Earthquake don't kill people - Buildings do
#Nature is what you can’t win, but make as your companion. You pay respect to her, she brings you food and shelter. You try to play with her emotions, she can make your life miserable .
#nature is respondin. #earthquake is taking lives, and heat waves are melting icebergs. The forest is getting vanished, and our oxygen bank is depleting.
Okay, you don’t care, as it is happening far from you! But the distance is not that much for wind and light. They may hit you anytime without any warning.
It’s time to get prepared.
Conventional #construction methods, may not sustain #earthquake shocks. We have already seen #Turask, #Nepal tragedy. The big #cities along with the #northeast will face several shoks in near future.
The #Kolkata Basin is also in a great threat and may face severe damage for the lower strength of the soil.
We are specialised in lightweight #building specially for #rooftop structure & #standalone buildings. Those method of construction may protect you from earthquake and #heatwave. It also saves #energy with a great effect. You save a drop of #fossilfuel now, and you contribute a #medical #insurance to your child.
Here are the features.
BuilDing WithOut BricKs
Please find the path breaking concept to built an #environment friendly structure suitable for the following facilities.
01. Earthquake resistance
02. Lightweight
03. Heat & Cold resistant
04. Easy installation
05. Sound resistant
06. Fire resistant
07. Damp resistant
08. Highly durable
09. Easy to relocate
10. Beautiful architecture
11. Environmental Friendly